
Dear Friend,
Have you ever felt worthless or purposeless? Many of us have fallen into the comparison trap, feeling insecure and disappointed with life. Or maybe you feel that this life is not what you thought it would be.
I see a pattern in so many women today, including myself. We’re trying so hard to manage our hearts and often get wrapped up in what we do or don't do. But it’s not about what we accomplish; it’s about who we are becoming.
This book is about my journey from exhaustion and stress to seeking God and letting His love transform me. It’s a story of learning to let go of results and live with hope and peace.
I want to show you how you can, too. God has something far greater for us! He is inviting us into a life lived with fullness of heart.
I'm doing an exclusive launch team that begins on September 3rd and is live until the book releases on September 17th. You can sign up now to grab your spot and begin reading When Doing It All Is Undoing You before we begin.
This is a private, online book club so we can read, process, and chat together. You will be a part of a small, intimate group that will help me launch this book! I'll be doing livestreams as we dive in together, as well as some fun giveaways along the way.
I hope you'll join us.
With love,

Alyssa Bethke loves Jesus, matcha and the sun and squeezes in as much pickleball and reading into her week as possible. She is married to the love of her life Jeff, and mom to three of the greatest gifts Kinsley, Kannon and Lucy. They recently moved from Maui to Tennessee and are embracing the wild adventure of a life surrendered to God. Alyssa and Jeff help reclaim God's design for men and women and families at Forming Men, Forming Women and Family Teams.